Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

Architecture Culture and History 2

Project: Architecture Heritage Building Analysis ( Group & Individual )
In a group of 4, we are required to select a building and study the function of the building type to serve the community within its vicinity. We are required to study the architectural elements of the building from the exterior to the interior of the building and how it serves the practical and functional needs of the local community. For the group project, we are required to write a report about the building and for the individual project, we need to analysis the building and create a A3 size presentation board.

My group members for this project were Diyana, Meera and Surayyn and we chose The Royal Klang Gallery to carry out our architecture heritage building analysis. We went there a few times to visit the gallery and also interviewed the residents staying around there to get more information about this gallery. Furthermore, we interviewed the architect of this gallery, Ar Laurent Lim who is so passionate about this gallery and he helped us a lot by giving us a talk about this gallery. Throughout this whole project, I had learned how to interpret architectural language in relation to the development of Western Architecture between Industrial Revolution and post Word War 2. 

For the individual presentation board, I was assigned to do the concept of the building. I found out that the building is in a neoclassical architecture style and there is a courtyard in the middle of the building as courtyard plays an important role in neoclassical architecture. Besides, the facade of the building has a screen of free standing Doric columns. They were used to carry the weight of the building but later they were only used as graphic element. The most interesting part of this gallery that makes it special and unique is that every corners of the porticos are visually supported by a group of 3 columns as columns in typical neoclassical architecture are even in numbers. After completing this project, I learned how to extract important information and present them in my own style.

A panoramic view of the Royal Klang Gallery

A perspective view of the courtyard

Our Report on Sultan Abdul Aziz Royal Gallery

A draft for my individual presentation board

My final presentation board