Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

Building Technology 1

In this module students will be exposed to a more extensive study of building construction by investigating the latest and more advanced technology and practice of the industry; from site analysis to all the advanced construction systems, energy efficiency, waste management, embodied energy as well as the latest construction methods.

Project 1 : Alternative Construction Solution and Documentation (Individual)
For project 1, students will employ and demonstrate the knowledge which they have gained in the earlier topics of this module as well as in Building Materials, Building Constructions and Building Structures. In this project each student is required to utilize a portion of their own design project in previous semester. Following discussions with the respective tutor, each student should propose the alternative to the existing construction systems to include different, more complex and recent building technologies.

Throughout this project, I have identified and collected relevant research data for my building. I have also completed a set of architectural and structural documentation. In the documentation, I have related basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. 

Project 2 : Industrialised Building System (Group)
This is a group project which predominantly relates to the topics of Industrialised Building System (IBS) as well as the materials’ embodied energy. This project consists of two parts. In the first part, each group is required to conduct a case study of a building which was constructed using IBS to understand the components better. In the second part, the group has to construct a model of a 3-storey apartment building to imitate the actual IBS construction process and to record all the process in a video.

In a group of six, we have identified and collected relevant research data. Then, we have evaluated existing construction system and detailing of the selected project. We also managed to critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, process of assembly and detailing. This project has also enhanced our model making skills and understand how IBS works.

Here is the link for the video