Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

Architecture Design Studio 5

Architecture Design Studio 5 focuses on the theme of place-making for the urban street. It aims to explore and provide appropriate architectural solutions in designing a market-place for the city’s inhabitants. Students will begin by conducting preliminary studies in that introduces them to the studies and context of urbanity through the analysis and documentation of the current urban condition of a selected inner-city site. This will be done in concurrence with the research of urban infill and market-place precedents, and their architectural responses. By the end of the module, students will have developed an appropriate scheme for an urban contemporary marketplace within a dense inner-city street environment that takes into consideration an understanding of applicable current legislations, building technologies and cultural imperatives of the site and its surroundings.

Project 1: Preliminary Studies (Group)
The Preliminary Studies is a preparatory assignment that focuses on investigating basic notions of the city, and learning from examples of urban infill market-places around the world. The Preliminary Studies comprises of three components: Site Documentation, Site Analysis, and Precedent Studies of Urban Infills and Market-Places. The Site Documentation and Site Analysis will equip students with a firm understanding of the site they will be working with this semester, while the Precedent Studies will provide an insight into architectural responses for designing an urban infill contemporary market-place.

After carrying out this project, I have an overview of the formation of cities and introduce basic concepts of urban design in relation to architectural design. With the help of my groupmates, we managed to introduce and implement basic methodologies of urban studies. We have also investigated the role of market-places in traditional and contemporary urban societies

Final Project (Individual)
For the final project, we are required to design a contemporary market-place within an urban infill site. The design of the building is to consist of appropriate architectural responses that address the aspects of the urban street context and user behavioural patterns as discerned and analysed in the Preliminary Studies.

I have managed to produce a design outcome for an urban contemporary market-place is site-specific through its formal, cultural, legislative, structural and environmental design responses. Besides, I have also applied the basic knowledge of urban architectural typologies, infill design strategies and market-place programming while designing the market. I have also learned the importance of the UBBL regulations in a building. Lastly, I managed to produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), models and presentations to verbally and visually communicate architectural ideas and scheme.

Below is the link to my Architecture Studio 5 Progress Work:

Final Model (Scale 1:100)
Front View

Exterior Perspective 1

Exterior Perspective 2

Bird Eye View

Back View

Interior Perspective 1

Interior Perspective 2

Top View

Final Presentation Board