Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

Building Science 2

The aim of the module is to provid an understanding of building acoustics in relation to building design and construction. Students will be introduced to the field through acoustic history, practical measurements, sound insulation, reverberation, and noise, internal and external to the building. 

Project 1: Lighting & Acoustics Performance Evaluation and Design (Group)
The aim of project is to expose and introduce students to identify the characteristics and functional requirements of day-lighting and lighting requirement, and indoor and outdoor acoustic requirements in a suggested space. 

In a group of six, we have learned to recognize the relevance of design implications on the acoustic and lighting environments. We have explained the terminologies used in architectural acoustics and lighting in our report. Also, we have calculated the required amounts of external opening required to provide adequate internal illumination levels for simple designs and apply knowledge to creatively introduce daylight into interior spaces without bringing in heat.

Project 2: Integrated Lighting & Acoustics in Design (Individual)
This project is to integrate lighting and acoustics requirements in the Final design Project of Architecture Studio 5.

After completing this project, I have a basic understanding in analysis and evaluation of artificial lighting and acoustic properties. Besides, I have compared the qualitative characteristics of the artificial lighting and acoustic properties and apply the understanding onto different architectural and interior space requirements based on functions. Also, I have designed simple acoustically-compatible spaces that enhance sound qualities in spaces while exploring noise reduction method to achieve required reverberation time.