Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

Building Structures

This module covers principles of selecting appropriate structural systems and designing elements and structures, an introduction to structural analysis, deflections, structural design as well as the application of structural design codes including loading codes.

Project 1: Fettuccine Truss Bridge
Students are required to carry out precedent study of a truss bridge in a group of 5. We are required to design and construct a fettucini bridge of 750mm clear span and maximum weight of 200g using the information we obtained from the precedent study. The bridge will be tested till fail.

In a group of 5, we tried out different types of bridge to see which one is the strongest. Also, we explored different kind of arrangement of members in a truss structure. Throughout this project, we managed to explore and improve attributes of construction materials. We have to apply and explore the understanding of the load distribution in a truss. After testing the bridge, we evaluated and identified the tension and compression members in a truss structure. 

Final Fettucini Bridge

Group photo

Project 2: Extension of a R.C. bungalow
This project is divided into 2 parts where first part is a group work and second part is an individual work.
Part 1- Students are required to obtain floor plan of a maximum 3 storeys bungalow, preferably 2 storeys in a group of 8. We need to carry out structural framing and prepare structural drawings for the bungalow. Structural plans should include foundation plan, ground floor plan, first floor plan and roof plan.
Part 2- In a subgroup of 2 members, students need to propose an extension work to the bungalow. After framing the extension by using appropriate structural members, students are required to identify and quantify the load acting on the structure

Throughout this project, I learned the basic process of building structure's design process. I had a holistic experience including Concept and Structure Layout Design, Building Structure Engineering Considerations, Structure Members Sizing and Calculations, Final Report and Presentation.

Building structures report from Soh Shing

Individual Proposal

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