Taylor's University Lakeside Campus

In Adaptation

The objective of this module is to explore techniques and practice methods of creative knowledge-sourcing and critical analysis. This module introduces the process of reading, translating and adapting disparate creative mediums such as film, art and most importantly, literature in relation to architecture.

Exercise 1: The Art of Adaptation (Group)
This exercise is in preparation in the lead-up to the Final Project of adapting the literature Invisible Cities to the local conditions of the Greater KL. The everyday life of cities and its banality is a scene that has been taken for granted. While the experience of the everyday life is banal, there are a plethora of mediums/channels by which stories of cities are told/expressed, one of which is literature. Literature is a medium in which stories are told, some of them original but most are tales from across the centuries adapted to a contemporary or different context, or to a modified theme to enhance the storyline. Using the literature, Invisible Cities, as the basis, students are to study, analyse and creatively adapt it using a graphical representation.

Throughout the first exercise, my groupmates and I have managed to analyse a theme or subject matter from an artistic mediums (e.g. art/architecture/film/literature). We sourced, cited and discussed themes and references from fields related to the current and contemporary context that are significant in re-telling of stories. Then, we represented the story in a graphical approach based on the contemporary context of time.

Exercise 2: Observing the Everyday
The purpose of this exercise is to have a deeper understanding of the city in which we inhabit, Kuala Lumpur, and the greater surroundings but that of an objective standpoint in comparison to personal subjectivity. Students have to choose a artiste / philosopher/”idol” of choice whose methodology  prescribe to or can identify with, and observe a selected area in or around the city of students choice in the eyes of him/her. The objective is to be aware of the difference between forming an assumption and making an informed conclusion. Besides, students have to draw analytical inferences from informed yet authentic observations.

I have critically analysed the Greater KL with the help of my groupmates. We also managed to use appropriate materials and methods of research in the process of observing the Greater KL. I have also learned some Photoshop skills from my friends in order to complete the presentation board.

Final Project: Invisible Cities RE-SYNTHesized: An Experiment (Individual)
The final project is a synthesis of the surrealism and imaginary in Exercise 1, and the realism and physical fabric of the urban conditions in Exercise 2. It stretches further the idea of ‘adaptation’ in the style of how a film maker would overlay an imaginary (utopian/dystopian) city into the real space. This project is about the exploration of an adaptive process between the imaginary and the real, and non-physical and the physical. The main objective of this project is to understand the process of translating ideas through the process of creative adaptation.

Throughout this project, I have applied learnt skills and techniques in an exercise of creative adaptation. I have translated the City and the Sky into the Greater KL. I have managed to produce the creative adaptation using the appropriate tools and references that I have identified in my proposal. As my final image is hand drawn, I have improved my hand drawing skills while drawing it. 

Theories of Architecture & Urbanism

This subject provides a thematic inquiry into architectural theory in the broader context of philosophical schools of thought and cultural and social conditions, which include modernism, post modernism, phenomenology, semiotics, post-structuralism, and deconstruction.

Synopsis (Group)
Students are required to submit a synopsis of a text during the discussion session. The objective of this synopsis is for students to read a selected reading in relation to the theme that has been discussed in class and submit a synopsis of it. Besides, we are also required to identify architecture and/or urban schemes to illustrate the theme.

Throughout this exercise, I have managed to identify the different architectural theories which inform the development of architecture and urban forms. Also, with the help of my group mates, we managed to analyse and critique the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural, and intellectual context. It was also a good experience for us to discuss and share our opinions throughout the presentation session.

Project:Theorizing Architecture (Individual)

Part I: Analysing “Through the eyes” of an architect/urban designer/ theoretician
The first part of this project is to select a defined area of our hometown and see it “through the eyes” of one architect, urban designer or theoretician. Then, we have to apply or translate design theories and historic urban design approaches onto this area and imagine how the architect or urban designer may have analysed and interpreted in this chosen area.

Project Part II: Analysing and Theorizing Architecture
The second part of the project emphasises architecture is like language with vocabulary, grammatical structure; both physical and intellectual. Students have to select a particular building within the chosen area in the first part of the project. Then, we have to study on the impact of external factors on architecture (emphasize on how the architect had responded to the factors in realizing their theoretical intention).

After completing this project, I have learned to analyse architecture and urban forms in relation to relevant architectural theories. For example, applying Le Corbusier's theory on SS15, Subang Jaya. I have also managed to learn the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural and intellectual context. Lastly, I have learned to produce a critical interpretation of architecture and urbanism in relation to relevant theories within the contemporary discourse of architecture.

Building Science 2

The aim of the module is to provid an understanding of building acoustics in relation to building design and construction. Students will be introduced to the field through acoustic history, practical measurements, sound insulation, reverberation, and noise, internal and external to the building. 

Project 1: Lighting & Acoustics Performance Evaluation and Design (Group)
The aim of project is to expose and introduce students to identify the characteristics and functional requirements of day-lighting and lighting requirement, and indoor and outdoor acoustic requirements in a suggested space. 

In a group of six, we have learned to recognize the relevance of design implications on the acoustic and lighting environments. We have explained the terminologies used in architectural acoustics and lighting in our report. Also, we have calculated the required amounts of external opening required to provide adequate internal illumination levels for simple designs and apply knowledge to creatively introduce daylight into interior spaces without bringing in heat.

Project 2: Integrated Lighting & Acoustics in Design (Individual)
This project is to integrate lighting and acoustics requirements in the Final design Project of Architecture Studio 5.

After completing this project, I have a basic understanding in analysis and evaluation of artificial lighting and acoustic properties. Besides, I have compared the qualitative characteristics of the artificial lighting and acoustic properties and apply the understanding onto different architectural and interior space requirements based on functions. Also, I have designed simple acoustically-compatible spaces that enhance sound qualities in spaces while exploring noise reduction method to achieve required reverberation time.

Building Technology 1

In this module students will be exposed to a more extensive study of building construction by investigating the latest and more advanced technology and practice of the industry; from site analysis to all the advanced construction systems, energy efficiency, waste management, embodied energy as well as the latest construction methods.

Project 1 : Alternative Construction Solution and Documentation (Individual)
For project 1, students will employ and demonstrate the knowledge which they have gained in the earlier topics of this module as well as in Building Materials, Building Constructions and Building Structures. In this project each student is required to utilize a portion of their own design project in previous semester. Following discussions with the respective tutor, each student should propose the alternative to the existing construction systems to include different, more complex and recent building technologies.

Throughout this project, I have identified and collected relevant research data for my building. I have also completed a set of architectural and structural documentation. In the documentation, I have related basic structural elements and structural principles in construction. 

Project 2 : Industrialised Building System (Group)
This is a group project which predominantly relates to the topics of Industrialised Building System (IBS) as well as the materials’ embodied energy. This project consists of two parts. In the first part, each group is required to conduct a case study of a building which was constructed using IBS to understand the components better. In the second part, the group has to construct a model of a 3-storey apartment building to imitate the actual IBS construction process and to record all the process in a video.

In a group of six, we have identified and collected relevant research data. Then, we have evaluated existing construction system and detailing of the selected project. We also managed to critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, process of assembly and detailing. This project has also enhanced our model making skills and understand how IBS works.

Here is the link for the video